Hello and Welcome!!!

When we were looking for a Portie, I enjoyed the few blogs and websites that are out there. I decided it was a great way to record his life and our enjoyment with him. So this is... Cruz's blog. a.k.a. "Cypress Bay's Midnight Cruz". Enjoy!

Cruz's Birthday

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Well, this morning I noticed that one of Cruz's baby teeth are missing.  No idea where it ended up, but it's gone!   Yeah, could this be the beginning of the end of teething and nipping?

Woke up to several inches of fresh snow, on top of the already 15+/- inches.  Snow is still falling, and will continue throughout the day.  All the girls are off from school, and ready to play in the snow.  Cruz is too:0)  He spent night #2 on our bedroom floor.   No more crate at night, he has our trust.  All the gates have been taken down and he is free rome the house.  He has been excellent and without an accident for weeks.  Awesome!

I have a hard time getting him to come in from the outside today, he just loves the white stuff!  Here he is looking in from outside as if to say, "Aren't you coming out to play?"

Yesterday I took him to my office at work.  All the other agents were in awe.  They complemented him on his temperment, behavior, beauty and all around being.   Someone even commented, "That's the kind of dog I want to have."   So cool!  That's exactly how I found the breed.  A friend of mine has a PWD that is now 6 years old.  When I met her I thought she was the dog that I would get some day.  Thanks Margaret & Belle!!

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